Posted by Kan / DMV

« Link » Group Show at Art Thema Gallery, Brussels (BE)


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A French group show in Brussels

They are seventeen
Seventeen French artists, among the most intense of the European Art Scene, answered the call of the sculptor-curator Jak Espi.

Otherworldly paintings signed Charlelie Couture passed by an historical figure like Jérôme Mesnager or young masters of the SpraycanArt such as Brusk, Kongo BomK, Mist or Blo, the collective experience baptised LINK, brings a fragment of their creative strength alive, in the heart of the Belgian capital.

The curator
Jack Espi is born on 10th December 1966 in Salon de Provence. He lives and works in Pelissanne in the Provence, France.
No-limit artist Jak mastered resin. A modern material meeting its numerous influences, from illustration till Graffiti passing by the free figuration of the American Pop movement.

It is the first time the man takes on the organisation of such an ambitious exhibition: « it is a 100% hexagonal selection that will be seen at Art Thema Gallery » says the artist.. « I like the idea of highlighting a real delegation of our hexagonal talents in Belgium. This curating is a cross bridge between Paris and Brussels. A red wire around our love for sharing friendship and pleasure. More than ever these two countries share a common history, artistically and culturally and even more. Each artist will present 3 to 4 freely self-selected works.

The gallery
Art Thema Gallery, a modern and contemporary art company for more than 30 years, is currently running an a-typical exhibition space of 100M2 in an historical building in the heart of Brussels, between the ‘ Mont des Arts’ and ‘ La grand Place’. By offering this space with its dynamic team to promote the exhibition of LINK it unveils an opening to new artistic horizons as represented by this group of inspired and vibrant French artists.

Seventeen ambassadors of the hexagonal creative scene
Because LINK is a free card, an open and instinctive invitation: « historic vandals, wild abstractors or young talent of Urban Art… Whether masters of Graffiti or of contemporary sculpture, the seventeen ambassadors of this show will be the echo of the French artistic vibrancy in Brussels and beyond.

LINK is an exhibition realized with the support of Fermax. Fermax is a spanish entreprise leading the audio and video entry and control systems. In 2012, its headquarters in Valence changed into a huge (1 200 sqm) urban art show room, that became a reference among connaisseurs. Today, Fermax continues sponsoring manifestations in countries it’s established in. Fermax brings together technological innovations with young creations, while demonstrating its commitment as a socially responsible entreprise.

Link, from 15th September until 15th October 2016 feat Charlelie Couture, Arnaud Puig, Blo, BomK, Brusk, Cedrix Crespel, ColorZ, Éric Liot, Espi, FenX, Jaw, Jérôme Mesnager, Kan, Kongo, Kurar, Lilliwenn, Mist.





Art Thema Gallery
Madeleine Street, 51
1000 Brussel

T +32 2 514 31 73

Opening hours:

Thursday – Monday : 11 am to 6:30 pm
By appointment Tuesday and Wednesday
