Posted by Kan / DMV

« Galore Festival » 2011
Copenhagen (DK)


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DMV in Denmark -> 100 Meter Project @ Galore festival 2011
18th – 20th August 2011

Da Mental Vaporz (France) – Blo, Bom.k, Brusk, Dran, Gris1, Jaw, Kan, Sowat
Dreyk The Pirate (Greece), Erosie (Netherlands), Graphic Surgery (Netherlands), GR170 (Spain), Lints (Denmark), Ripo (USA), Roa (Belgium), Scie (Ireland)


So, the idea of this wall was planned a couple of months ago…
We painted it at the Galore 2011 festival in copenhagen, and on the next Monday when we came back to France, we discover that actually some guys are really stealing and selling pieces of walls as « street » art.

What a curious world we are living in…

See the video of the Bankrobber :

Galore_1My tribute to Case2, RIP.


Galore 2011 : DMV in Copenhagen, DenmarkGalore 2011 : DMV in Copenhagen, Denmark

Video by Butterfly
