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#Repost @artcangallery・・・Jeudi révolutionnaire chez @artcangallery avec @street_pointillist #paradisperdu #paradiselost #pointilism #streetart #urbanart #revolution #riots #feu #rebel #rebellion
#Repost @artcangallery・・・Jeudi révolutionnaire chez @artcangallery avec @street_pointillist #paradisperdu #paradiselost #pointilism #streetart #urbanart #revolution #riots #feu #rebel #rebellion
The Poppyfield is finally done ! You can enjoy it at Gare Saint-Lazare next to the platforms 9 and 10. Claude Monet's Poppy Field @street_pointillist @damentalvaporz @gares_connexions @sncf #monet #impressionism #pointillism #urbanart #artforpeople #streetartparis #streetart #quai36 #damentalvaporz #saintlazare @quai36
New Wave Groupshow at Brugier-Rigail Gallery, Paris.
From June 4th 2016 to June 21st 2016.
Line up : Gris1 / Kan / Kurar / Mad C / Monkey Bird / Cleon Peterson
Press Release in French :
04/06/16 – 21/06/16
/// New Wave ///
Avant tout collectionneurs passionnés, depuis de nombreuses années nous nous sommes intéressés aux acteurs majeurs du mouvement de l’art urbain. En créant la galerie, nous nous sommes attachés à présenter les mouvements principaux des années 80. Figuration libre, figuration narrative… C’est tout naturellement que nous avons intégré dans notre ligne directrice les artistes issus du Street Art. Ce mouvement avant commencé dans les années 70 aux États-Unis, puis est rapidement arrivé en France. Il nous a fait découvrir des artistes comme Speedy Graphito, Miss Tic, John Matos Crash, Jonone… L’art de la rue s’est aujourd’hui institutionnalisé. Ces artistes précurseurs sont aujourd’hui bien inscrits dans le paysage de l’art contemporain et il est évident qu’ils ont ouvert un grand chapitre dans le livre de l’histoire de l’art ! Ces œuvres, que nous pouvions voir dans les rues des plus grandes villes, sont aujourd’hui présentes dans les musées, les centres culturels et les galeries. Ces lieux ont eu l’audace de proposer en avant-première ces pépites artistiques à leurs collectionneurs. Il faut compter aujourd’hui avec une jeune génération et c’est ce que nous voulons vous proposer lors de cette nouvelle exposition « New Wave ». Cette nouvelle vague nous fait part de ses inquiétudes et de ses doutes au travers d’œuvres souvent ironiques, déjà d’une grande maturité et avec une technique parfaitement maîtrisée. Ce sont donc de jeunes talents que nous sommes ravis de vous proposer et qui sont nos réels coups de cœur : Gris1, Kan, Kurar, MadC, Monkeybird et Cleon Peterson. Des artistes à suivre avec déjà un beau parcours et que nous sommes ravis de mettre en avant aujourd’hui pour cette nouvelle exposition.
Laurent et Eric ( Galerie Brugier-Rigail )
Visite virtuelle :
/// Nouvel espace /// 40, rue Volta 75003 Paris /// 01 42 77 09 00 /// Métro : Arts et
Métiers /// /// ///
Urban and Street Art artists are leaving the streets to exhibit in the Galerie Laurent Strouk from June 1 to July 15, 2016.
« This event aims to bring together major works of artists, French and international, iconic URBAN STREET ART, from the early 80s to the present. It will include the works of the following artists:
Urban art, whether celebrated or decried, is now considered an art form in itself. Represented in galleries, museums, and auction sales, it is now essential and promised a future. The aesthetics, provocation, poetry, political message, everything is there. This artistic movement that takes forms as diverse and varied as sculpture, stencil, graffiti, poster, mosaic, installation or painting is distinguished by an unprecedented, forceful approach: it communicates with the general public on socially relevant themes, while maintaining a certain aesthetic. Sometimes echoing childhood and games as the works of INVADER or KAWS, sometimes soliciting reflection on the socio-political context as the works of Shepard FAIREY (supporting poster campaign for the presidential election of Barack OBAMA) or BANKSY, urban art is both a call to action and to reconsideration.
It also heralds a new era in the world of Art. It is no longer necessary to enter a museum or gallery to access to culture: now you only have to walk down the street. The occupants of public space, in encountering these works are called upon to remember these visual signatures and questions. Urban art is no longer ephemeral but gradually defining the History of Art. »
See more at:
Galerie Laurent Strouk – contemporary art gallery – 2 Matignon avenue 75008 Paris, France
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For its new exhibition, the Villa Alliv invites Jaw, Kan and Blo, three members of the graffiti crew DMV (Da Mental Vaporz), to come and settle in the Villa. The exhibition will open its doors to public on 29th April for three weeks.
The artists will display their paintings made from a collaborative work, created in situ in the course of the month of April. They will unveils six hands painting techniques, a real pictorial blending.
For this exhibition, the artists have implemented no premeditated work techniques which foster the effects of the improvisation. Their instinctive and instantaneous method brings together surrealism, abstraction and image destructuring.
While Blo and Jaw create a painting with shapes and colours which result from an instinctive gesture, Kan makes the symmetry of it with his pointillist diagram and then covers it with a misty filter. The resulting image creates an optical illusion, the superposition of the coats reveals a surrealist landscape.
The huge art installation sets up chaotic shapes that sculpt the space; the different rooms talk to appropriates the paint each other, the place.
« South Coast » (195x130cm) 6-hands canvas by Blo,Jaw & Kan ,19324 hand-made dots on canvas
VILLA ALLIV, 21 Bd de Tunis – 13008 Marseille –
Urban Art Fair 2016, the first international fair dedicated to urban art, will take place in « Le Carreau du Temple » from April 22 to 24, 2016.
Given the artistic, economic and social phenomenon that urban art represents, it is essential these days to see it as a deep cultural root for our societies and to dedicate a major professional and cultural rendez-vous to it.
Rising stars, historical artists, private collections, solo and group shows, institutional presentations, patrons and experts are urban art’s major actors and will be, as such, promoted by urban art fair, for the first time giving them the space for recognition and action that they deserve.
Lek / Kan (x2)
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Retrouvez la galerie Adrien Serien sur le stand E102 de la foire Art Up 2016 ! à Lille Grand Palais du 25 au 28 février 2016.
Vous y découvrirez notamment des oeuvres de Kan, Gris1, Madc, Monkey Bird, Olivier Ente Tavu, Nasty, Lapinthur, Natasha Lacroix, Miss Tic..
MYA makes it’s debut at SCOPE, the International Art Fair for Contemporary art in Miami, Florida this December 2015 with a new exhibition featuring original artwork from the world respected Da Mental Vaporz crew from France. The exhibition will feature artworks from artists Bom.k, Brusk, Blo, Jaw, Kan and collective works that include both Gris1, Sowat and Lek.
Visit MYA at Stand #B21 at SCOPE Miami Beach 2015 from December 1 – 6th 2015
« Police Cars » (97x146cm) 20303 hand-made dots on canvas – « Rooftop Car » (97x146cm) 20946 hand-made dots on canvas – « Keep the pressure » (97x146cm) 21539 hand-made dots on canvas
My Art Invest @ SCOPE Miami Beach 2015 : Bom.k / Brusk / Blo / Jaw / Kan / Gris1 / Sowat / Lek
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Tajan’s next big Street Art Auction will be on October 1st 2015.
« London Bus Stop », one of my canvas from the riots serie will be available at this auction.
You can bid for number 164 :
Get the calatog here
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