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Humanity exhibition, Gris1 & Kan, Atelier des bains Geneve


Atelier des Bains gallery in Geneve will be opening two men show featuring Kan and Gris1 from Da Mental Vaporz crew (interviewed in issue #28). “Humanity” will include 5 new paintings of each of the artist, one collaborative piece as well as a piece painted on the wall of the gallery.

The theme of this body of work created exclusively for the show are human values and the ways everyday exposure to violence is influencing them. Through their distinctive style, French artists are depicting their vision of this phenomenon. Using fat markers Kan is dotting images taken from news channels, stripping them off details and creating pixelated screenshots of mainstream media imagery. Gris1 on another hand is combining different symbols, visual languages, mediums and techniques from urban and popular art, creating collages that form emotive images about the subject. The idea of exhibition is to invite the viewer to question the issue of violence that shapes up our humanity.

The exhibition takes place from May 28th to July 14th 2015.

Atelier des bains
Rue des bains 22,
1205 Geneve

08-Gris1-©TerezPhoto Credits Terez

03-Kan-©NicolasGzeleyPhoto Credits Nicolas Gzeley
Text from Very Nearly Almost

Bonus : Some photos from the opening

humanity-gris1-kan-atelier-des-bains-geneva-2015_8146« This is not an AK-47(1) » and « This is not an AK-47(2) » by Gris1 / « Fillette » and « Bankers Rebellion » by Kan

humanity-gris1-kan-atelier-des-bains-geneva-2015_8164« This is not an AK-47(1) » and « This is not an AK-47(2) » by Gris1

humanity-gris1-kan-atelier-des-bains-geneva-2015_8163« Strike » and « Lovers » by Kan

humanity-gris1-kan-atelier-des-bains-geneva-2015_8245« Fillette » by Kan

humanity-gris1-kan-atelier-des-bains-geneva-2015_8746Humanity exhibition opening at

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“Peace, Love & Unity” Exhibition, Artistik Rezo Gallery, Paris, 2015

Artistik Rezo Gallery présente “PEACE, LOVE & UNITY”
Bom.k, Brusk, Gris1, Kan, Monkey-Bird, Madame, Terez

En réaction aux événements tragiques qu’a connu la France, plusieurs artistes issus du graffiti et du street art ont décidé de se mobiliser pour montrer leur soutien aux victimes, et défendre nos libertés. Ici, rien n’est à vendre, il s’agit seulement d’un cri du cœur. Artistik Rezo Gallery s’est proposée de les accueillir dans son nouvel espace autour de cette exposition spontanée.

Exposition « Peace, Love & Unity »
Du 20 Janvier au 7 Février 2015

Vernissages le vendredi 23 Janvier et le mercredi 28 Janvier à partir de 18h
Ouvert du lundi au samedi de 11h à 19h

Artistik Rezo Gallery
14 Rue Alexandre Dumas 75011 Paris
01 77 12 54 55

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